using a storage unit to organize a hoarded household

using a storage unit to organize a hoarded household

  • Moving On Your Own? Get Professional Help With Moving The Pool Table

    It is not uncommon for young adults to move on their own to save money on moving expenses. Even if you just bought a home, you can still benefit from savings that can be put toward upkeep and remodeling. You may have thought about hiring a moving company to reduce the workload that comes with moving. But, you should not hesitate to do it with your family if you feel confident enough to handle everything.

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using a storage unit to organize a hoarded household

My mother turned into a bit of a hoarder when all of us kids moved out. It has been ten years since any of us lived with her and in that time, she managed to fill three bedrooms with all sorts of things that she really didn't need. All of that stuff was keeping her from being able to house my brothers when they came into town, so I offered to help her get organized. The first thing I did was found a storage unit nearby to rent. On this blog you will find tips for using a storage unit to organize a hoarded household.