using a storage unit to organize a hoarded household

using a storage unit to organize a hoarded household

  • Tips To Help You Move A Grandfather Clock

    If you have a great deal of collectibles and antiques in your home and you need to move, then you may be very concerned about all of your precious things making it from one home to the next. If you have a grandfather clock, then you are right to be concerned. Your clock may be worth as much as $13,000 depending on the condition, features, and age of the clock. To help preserve your investment, follow the tips below.

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using a storage unit to organize a hoarded household

My mother turned into a bit of a hoarder when all of us kids moved out. It has been ten years since any of us lived with her and in that time, she managed to fill three bedrooms with all sorts of things that she really didn't need. All of that stuff was keeping her from being able to house my brothers when they came into town, so I offered to help her get organized. The first thing I did was found a storage unit nearby to rent. On this blog you will find tips for using a storage unit to organize a hoarded household.